Frequently Asked Questions.

Does GhostKey™ work with any site??

The short answer is YES. GhostKey™ computes a unique secure textual password that is acceptable by any service provider, from banks to games to social media sites. If you find that a site is not working, please inform us at and we will provide a fix as soon as possible.

How do I import my password to GhostKey™?

GhostKey™ does not store your password, so you will have to change your password for each service provider you want to use GhostKey™ with. The simplest way is to use the forgotten password flow.

Where is the computed password stored?

GhostKey™ computes the password every time you enter your memento. This password is sent to the service provider (website or app) and then discarded. If you enter a wrong memento, then the computed password will be wrong. GhostKey™ does not know the correct password, making it immune to brute force attacks.

What if I forgot my Persona Flashback?

If that happens, then you will have to reset all your passwords for accounts under this Persona, but it’s easy to avoid this. Before choosing a Flashback, spend time thinking about events, movie quotes, Bible or Quran verses that touch you. GhostKey™ allows you to use your engraved memories instead of asking you to remember something new. You just need to remember which one you picked.

How do I import my information to a new device?

We are working on a camera based secure import/export feature. In the meantime, you will have to enter the accounts manually.

Where do I get help?

Please visit for help.